Healing Painting



The Healing Painting meditation takes place regularly, every second Thursday of the month.




The purpose of the meditation with Healing Paintings is to experience their healing power.

Every month a new painting for meditation is provided.

These paintings serve human beings as direct light gates to the Purest Divine Creationand and are therefore possible tools for your work on your inner growth and can help you on your path of life.

No prior knowledge is required to participate in this meditation. The duration of this meditation is different for each person with each painting. Embark into the silence of meditation following your own well-being, visualize the healing painting before your mind’s eye, or look at it with open eyes and use the following affirmation:

“I open myself and accept everything
that flows towards me through this Light-Gate
out of the flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…

The meditations are, as shown by experience, from time to time and from person to person very different in their course and intensity. Smoenjala is very happy to read about your experiences during the meditation with her healing paintings.

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The specified dates and times for this meditation are suggestions. Once people gather anywhere in the world and contemplate in meditation at the same time, they are connected and it potentiates the Healing Energy Flow for oneself, for each other and for the world. You are always free to fulfill the meditation with “Healing Paintings” at your time of choice “alone” in the silence.

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Healing Painting for Meditation

in the month of March



Personal Healing Painting (private property)
paited through Smoenjala



The Golden Lifetree


On the 25th of April 2013 the worldwide peace and art project “Golden Lifetree” saw the first light of the world.

***   www.GoldenLifetree.org   ***


From this moment the golden light of the Universal Love through the
Golden Lifetree started to flow into the world.

To mark this day the meditation-series with Healing Paintings contain paintings of different lifetrees, forests and trees…

…as by the LIFETREE we will awake to a new life. It shows us what we are and where life is leading us to. The Lifetree is a map that helps people to get through the maze of life, right to their deepest core and their own highest truth.


“The Lifetree represents the synthesis of heaven and earth,
it is the symbol of the balance between the worlds,
stands for harmony, perpetual renewal and rebirth.
The Lifetree is the quintessence of all that life is.”


The Golden Lifetree corresponds to the golden ray of light of Universal Love. Through this Lifetree the flow of Universal Love is revived on our planet, and rooted with a new frequency. With the power of the “Art of Empathy“, it is possible for every human being and every living form to re-integrate this strength and potentiate it with each other.

Out of this power, the Golden Lifetree grows and thrives around the globe. It connects the innermost purest light of Mother Earth, her feminine sun “Solaris”, with all the planets of our galaxy and the entire cosmos.

In our world, by the power of Universal Love, it connects our brothers and sisters … the trees, elements, people and cultures. It represents the “Golden Age” of humanity and the planet Earth. It grows, flourishes and carries new fruits and seeds in order to awaken to a new life … this holistic awareness will lift us up to the “Garden of Eden”.