

The name means “direct connection to the Highest Source of Creation.”

Due to this connection Smoenjala has been trained and is in every moment of her being guided in her holistic light~work on this planet.

She helps people to solve their carmic fields, clean mental and emotional blocks and transform outdated patterns. These are replaced by new light~informations which align people with their Higher Selves and the new planetary future offering the possibility to step out of the heaviness of suffering and pain and create a new life.

Smoenjala is an artist and pioneer of the Healing Art of the New Age. She is a teacher for meditation, spiritual guide for expansion of consciousness, makes group and individual work, conducts workshops and seminars and holds lectures on various topics.

Her work is expressed in pure energy work as well as “Healing Art“. The watercrystal photos of Dr. Masaru Emoto are one of the visible manifestations of the healing power of Smoenjala’s art.


Click on the chrystal photo for more information…


If you are interested to work with Smoenjala or to invite her to hold a lecture, please contact us.

It is possible to receive sessions and guidance through Smoenjala in person, via Skype or telephone. For dates, further information or upon interest in group work and workshops or a “Personal Healing Painting” please write your request by email.

Smoenjala works in different countries in following languages: german, hungarian, english and spanish.

Current Dates

Exposition “Rainbow Trees of Peace”

Place: Exposition Hall of Island Council Cabildo Insular, San Sebastián de La Gomera, Canarian Islands, Spain

Vernissage: 25.01.2019, 18.00 – 21.00

Duration: 25.01. – 28.02.2019


Subscribe to the newsletter to receive updates about current events, such as exhibitions, workshops and meditations of Smoenjala directly into your email inbox.

Personal Healing Painting

Smoenjala paints personal healing paintings upon request. For further information please click this image:




Golden Lifetree

The Worldproject „Golden Lifetree” is a multidisciplinary project which creates a connection through art to the soul. With various events and exhibitions it creates a platform through art for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a harmonious and conscious living together on planet earth.

If you wish you can view HERE a short presentation of the project as a magazine to leaf through and watch the VIDEO

There is a monthly meditation with the healing energy of the Golden Lifetree, that flows through Smoenjala’s paintings as light gates… You are welcome to sign up to the newsletter to receive an invitation to these meditations.


Here you can see the dates for upcoming tree-meditations and follow the activities of the “Caravan of the Golden Lifetree”