Cosmic Embrace



The “Cosmic Embrace” meditation takes place regularly, every third Thursday of the month. It is led by Smoenjala through her pure divine channel.




The purpose of these meditations is to raise human consciousness to a cosmic consciousness.

Accordingly ~ and always arising out of the purest divine consciousness ~ the divine flow passes through Smoenjala pure channel and forwards the new light information and impulses to all participants.

Anyone around the world can join in these meditations. The intention is that the flow of Universal Love can surround the world through the alignment of the involved souls in a Cosmic Embrace.

There is no prior knowledge and no meditative exercises required, only a deep decision of the soul:


“I open myself and accept everything
that flows towards me out of the
of the Purest Divine Consciousness…


Smoenjala is happy about each participant and also about the fact that this information reaches more and more people. If you feel that you know people who would like to participate in this cosmic gathering, please forward this letter ~ everywhere, to the whole world.

Smoenjala is greeting every one with a cosmic embrace



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